Fixing your home loan while rates are dropping is a bit like pulling the ripcord on a parachute. If you do it early you'll get a steady ride but may miss out on a bit of action. But if you leave it too late things might get a little messy.
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5 ideas to help first home buyers break into the property market
While housing affordability is improving across the country, for many young first home buyers cracking into the property market can feel like breaking into a fortress. Here are five ideas that can help bust down that door.
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Making the most of the instant asset write-off
Cash flow is like your daily hit of caffeine. You don't really notice how important it is for your business until you've got to try and operate without it. Today we'll look at how the recently expanded instant asset write-off initiative can help out in that area.
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How to welcome a baby into the family and stay on budget
Welcoming a baby into your family is one of the most joyous occasions of your life. But just like anything worth celebrating (such as your wedding day or buying your first property), it's not without its expenses.
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